How To Handle Landlord And Tenant Disputes
Disputes between tenants and landlords usually come in different forms, from maintenance and upkeep issues to rent payment issues and potential eviction.
As well as looking at and signing the terms and conditions of a rental agreement, knowing your rights and responsibilities are a landlord or as a tenant may help you avoid future hassle and frustration.
Call 866-325-6089, it will also save you money, as well as the stress of hiring a Lawyer for Landlord Tenants, disputes in Bronx NY.
Lawyer For Landlord Tenants Dispute In Bronx NY
When you are negotiating a dispute with your tenant or your landlord, you should be very careful to make sure that either of you attempts to keep up and maintain their side of the agreement while protecting their interest. This should be done with the help of a Lawyer for Landlord Tenants dispute in The Bronx.
Unlawful Detainer and Eviction
Eviction is the process of terminating or putting an end to a rental agreement, basically for certain reasons. Hence, asking the tenant or forcefully making the tenant leave the rental unit. Some of the common and frequently occurring issues that result in eviction include non-payment of rent, keeping pets that are contrary to the rental agreement rules, or engaging in unlawful activities in the property.
There are laws already in place to ensure every eviction follows due process. The laws put in place protects and favor both landlords and tenants. Evicting a tenant isn’t as easy as just telling to vacate your property. There are certain processes in place to make sure that tenants have their say, and also to give the tenant enough time to look for another facility.
The very first step involved in tenant eviction is serving them a formal eviction notice, explaining the basic issues that need to be corrected. If the tenant doesn’t respond on time, the landlord may go to Court and file for eviction. But this process can only be done with the help of a Lawyer for Landlord Tenants dispute in Bronx NY. This procedure is also referred to as an “unlawful detainer" action.
Handling a Landlord-Tenant Dispute Outside of the Court
Not all landlord-tenant disputes can be resolved easily by talking to the tenant or landlord. But if you can avoid taking the case to court, it will definitely be the least expensive, the best option you have. One way you can resolve it get a third-party mediator involved to help draft an agreement between you both. You can get a cost-effective mediation program for resolving land and tenant disputes through bar associations and private companies.
Resolving Landlord-Tenant Disputes inside the Court
The last and final destination for handling landlord disputes after mediation and direct communication seems not to work is the court. While they can't hear any kind of case, a lot of landlord-tenant disputes that involve a little amount of money can be taken care of in small claims.
For example, issues that are taken care of in small claims courts include unreturned security deposits or unpaid rent. So the help of a Lawyer for Landlord Tenants dispute Bronx NY is required during this process.
Landlord Tenant Attorney Bronx NY
Lawyer for Landlord Tenants dispute Bronx NY